Is milk vital for your bones? Thanks to unbiased research by scientists not depending on kickbacks, many 'foods' (which were little more than circumstantial, based upon geography and other societal pressures), such as processed sugar, meat and other industry-based ‘foods’ including GMO corn and Round-up laced wheat (flour) products, dairy is no longer considered a vital food. But don’t let that good ol’ home-spun cookies-and-cream advertising slow down medical dietary mythology an inch… With the current dairy wars and more people than ever turning to a plant based diet, government-bolstered industries are going nuts in their advertising – actually shaming the public into drinking milk, as if we are somehow less human if we have a heart and walk a little lighter or sensibly.
Why does no one question the fact that many vitally health indigenous nations, once weaned fro their mothers' own teats, did not partake of the secretions of another species. Australian aboriginals, many Asian & African as well as South American nations, prior to westernisation, simply did not consume dairy. It's a massive industry and so many lies have ben told to dupe the public into thinking we depend on it for health. Never before in history has a civilisation consumed so much dairy – yet osteoporosis – like tooth decay – is at epidemic proportions – now at over 50% of the adult population; even within younger age groups. Your doctor will never tell you that it’s actually your fault that your bone density is so bad. Instead, he/she will prescribe supplements for which they know nothing, drugs with side effects that can lead to cancer or brain cell death, or tell you to do weight bearing exercise. This advice is seriously flawed – despite the fact they will tell you that each of these things is scientifically proven.

Isolating a nutrient and taking it in high doses is not only dangerous but leads to severe imbalances – and down the track, they lead to even worse… The public needs to know that all of these actors talking about their successes with ‘caltrate’ or ‘calcium/vitamin D’ supplements are just that – actors. It’s a paid gig – and for actors/singers/sportspeople who work in an industry with close to 90% unemployment, it’s just that – they don’t give a toss about what happens to you once you fall for the blurb.

Sad but true. You need to know that calcium is one of the most readily available nutrients on the planet – it’s in just about every whole food. It’s your fault if you choose to eat junk over proper food. Taking a supplement that is not made from whole food will not change the situation. I was told by a very proud person the other day that they do not eat vegetables – and it was said with the sort of pride one would expect of a 6 year old who has mastered his ABCs or someone who recently graduated from uni. The truth needs to be shouted from the rooftop. If you ate a human being – or drank the milk of a nursing (human) mother, would you expect to get all the nutrients you need? Sounds pretty stupid, right? Well, the meat – and dairy) of one animal is no better nutritionally than any other. It’s just the way each individual species is marketed by its relevant industry. Correct amounts of perfect calcium – along with all the other nutrients are already available – in fresh food.
So, what is calcium found in?
Leafy greens, seeds, nuts, tofu, and coloured vegetables just for a start. And what else is calcium necessary for? Well, hundreds of functions actually but in a nutshell, strong teeth and bones, nerve and muscle function, and blood clotting – but guess what? It’s not calcium alone that does all this – so if you take calcium alone, you may as well be one of the poor malnourished pica sufferers eating rocks. Your car, which is a far less intricate machine than your body, needs water, fuel and oil to function. Imagine if you just poured water into all the receptacles – how good would it run?

And what happens if you take too much calcium (which occurs with calcium supplementation)? Poor bone development and maintenance, tetany, excessive nerve activity, poor circulation with tingling in hands and feet. But that is just the beginning. BTW, dairy is an atrocious form of calcium. It’s actually detrimental to your health. Flawed studies by – yes – industry-paid ‘experts’ are used repeatedly to ‘prove’ that our kids need – what was it? A cube of cheese, a tub of yoghurt, a bowl of cereal a day to get all the calcium they need.
The calcium in dairy is not very assimilable by humans – which means it is locked away, only available to the species for which it was made – calves. You know, the millions of babies who die within days of birth so you can have your mucous-producing, inflammation-causing white poison. Enough of that – this is not an ethics paper. But I included it to show just how ridiculous the whole scenario actually is. The thing is, it is not just calcium and vitamin D that our bones need. And regardless of whether you took a whole bottle of vitamins a day, if your body is acidic, it wont make one spot of difference.

Magnesium is by far, a more worrying deficiency because a lack of magnesium will result in soft bones, and calcium deposits IN your muscles and blood vessels. That’s right – plaque in your blood is caused initially by calcium deposits which become a magnet for fats, toxins and other waste. Vitamin D is synergistic to calcium – meaning it wont work properly without it – and it is free! So what do we do?
Rather than go out into the sunlight, we choose to live like vampires and take a toxic synthetic version of D that our doctors (untrained in nutrition or supplementation) tell us to take.
And what about too much calcium? If taken through artificial sources, soft tissue calcification – aka rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tumours – even stomach cancer as the body battles to assimilate and excrete the excessive levels. And when x-rays show deposits of calcium tablets throughout the bowel of an unsuspecting patient? Of course naturopathy gets a bad rap (even though it is nothing to do with it) and your diligent doctor will find another drug that will aid in the breakdown of calcium.

Back to square one – your bone levels of calcium will not increase. In fact, those who take these supplements have been proven to still suffer bone softening – osteoporosis – but now you will have a false sense of security because it is now ‘monitored’… The synthetic version of vitamin D is not true D – in fact, skin cancer is on the increase because of the lack of vitamin D – along with an increase in asthma (linked to low D).
No, there is no magic pill – it is all down to doing what we are supposed to – eating well. What can you do?
Eat right. Work to get your body pH neutral – I can’t stress that enough. Get more sunlight – even if you sit under shade outside – but for goodness sake, don’t cover up with sunblock, hats, long sleeves and whatever else ‘protects’ you from good health. Most don't even know that over 90% of your beneficial rays responsible for manufacturing vitamin D are absorbed through your pupils! Or that you need a mere 15 minutes a day of the sun's rays. That does not happen if you wear sunglasses as soon as you step out of doors.
Your doctor and pharmacist will tell you that there are no studies in natural medicines and that is why it is not supported or promoted – in fact it is dangerous to follow such advice. There are actually more studies into alternatives – it is just that the results are not appreciated by orthodoxy – and of course when things are ‘proven’ it is the scientists who take the credit, not those who have already proven it.
Here is an article based on one such study – proving diet and alkalinity is the only way to prevent bone weakening. Yes, other studies show there are things you can do to improve bone density – like using wild yam cream every single day to draw calcium and other harder minerals back from the soft tissues into the bones – and Himalayan salt, which balances electrolytes, micronutrients and pulls high sodium levels out of your bones, replacing them with harder minerals. But if you are serious about your health and that of your family, you need to do what is necessary – not leave it to your doctor to try and attack after the fact – and the fact is that all elderly people now taking caltrate or any other high calcium supplement STILL HAVE OSTEOPOROSIS and will have it until they die.
This is NEVER to say supplementation is not necessary. But it IS to say that you must get supplementation advice from someone actually qualified and experienced in orthomolecular medicine and health. That does not include university-trained ‘nutritionists’ who are trained by meat/dairy/wheat/sugar/pharmaceutical industries. ALL of your food should be seen as supplementation – anything not nutrient-dense should be seen as alien to your body and used under duress – as in on rare occasion rather than the norm. Everything from your drinking habits to your snacks and meals should be highly nutritious.